Uplay is a strange beast. I’m already addicted to trophies and achievements, another reward system which has me doing things for points is likely to take up even more of my precious time.
Especially when that system only applies to games from a certain developer.
On the other hand – free stuff. Granted, it’s mainly only in-game awards that would be mine without a connection to Uplay if it didn’t exist, but it’s still more than I’d ever get for achievements/trophies.
Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood has Uplay support. What will you get in exchange your time?
Altair’s armour from the second game, and his costume from the first game are unlockable. As is Ezio’s ‘Noble’ costume from the beginning of AC2. There’s a Uplay theme and the ability to play as the Hellequin online.
That’s not a typo. The Hellequin is a female version of the Harlequin character available as a pre-order bonus.