Final Fantasy XIV Trial Increased from 30 Days to 60

Dark Light
Final Fantasy XIV Trial Increased from 30 Days to 60

It is well documented at this point, due in part to some craft person who used it on N4G to gain a few hits, that Square Enix sent out an email to press asking that they don’t review Final Fantasy XIV immediately. Instead, they suggested waiting until that first difficult period is over and the game is developed more fully.

Well, after a handful of very negative reviews, it has been announced that the Final Fantasy XIV trial period has been extended to 60 days for anybody who jumps into the game before October 25th.

Since the official launch of service on September 30, 2010, we have received a wealth of constructive feedback from the FINAL FANTASY XIV community, and the development and management teams would like to take this opportunity to express their sincerest gratitude. For those who purchased the collector’s edition and began to play one week before official service began, the month-long free play period is drawing to a close. Considering the nature of much of the feedback we received, however, and the current state of the game, we have decided to extend the free trial period for all users. Please continue reading for further details.

We would like to assure players that the world of FINAL FANTASY XIV is constantly growing and evolving, and the voices of the community are essential to that process. The development and management teams are carefully considering all player feedback, and working diligently to implement whatever changes and additions will serve to make Eorzea a better home for adventurers. We humbly ask for your continued support to this end.

While in my eyes (bare in mind, I’m not an MMO player.) this seems like something of a fair trade – you play for free while they fix the game. However, this seems to have backfired in many online communities, with some people seeing it as an act of desperation. Parallels to the recently deceased APB have been made.

For now, I’m giving Square the benefit of the doubt, if only because I haven’t got anything that could even begin to handle such a beautiful looking game.

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1 Comment
  • L'Arc
    October 15, 2010
    VA:F [1.9.6_1107]
    Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)

    I played during the beta and while it did look beautiful it was very painful to play. Think stabbing your eyes repeatedly.

    Please continue discussion on the forum: link


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