So let’s hypothesise that Clawrence the Crab has mocked you once too often. Those falling coconuts are appearing to you in your sleep and you wake up in a cold sweat, wandering why the hell you actually thought it was a good idea to keep all your valuables in the branches of the tree outside.
As great as Coconut Dodge is, I think my obsession is finally over. Now I play in controlled amounts and receive money from the government to wean me onto similar, less addictive games.
So, the guys at FuturLab have picked the perfect time to unveil a little about their next game. Just as I was getting better as well!
Of course, we already know a little bit. It’s a space-based shooter which uses a unique teleporting mechanic that you’ll have to master to defeat enemies and solve puzzles.
One of the things we’ve learnt about the teleportation is that there are two different types at your disposal. Short Form Teleportation is used to move around your local area, avoiding enemy attacks and reaching out of the way locations. The other, Fixed Form Teleportation, has you dropping an item that allows you to return to that spot at the push of a button – helpful for longer puzzles perhaps?
The plot has almost everything in the universe against you. A star has unexpectedly exploded into a red giant, sending an electromagnetic pulse across the universe and caused all of the space stations in the galaxy to revert to emergency power and to have their security systems placed online. This results in the people on the space stations becoming trapped behind impenetrable walls.
You have to save them in the face of the black hole, the space station defence mechanisms and pirates who are out to salvage what they can from the disaster.
The only way to break through the wall is by deactivating them using failsafe circuit breakers. But here’s the rub, you have to break them in a certain order and time seems to be against you.
FuturLab’s next game is far flung from their first PSP Mini outing (Although I did suggest Clawrence as a boss), but it’s obvious that there’s been a similar focus on addictive, enjoyable gameplay.
There goes another 6 months of my life.