Some clever has released video of a secret arcade game within Black Ops. Simply head over to the computer (as shown in the video) and type the letters DOA to find Dead Ops Arcade, a top down zombie shooting adventure.
It’s worth 5 points, so that alone means I’ll be giving it a try. It’s pretty safe the presume that the Treyarch guys love Zombies by this point, isn’t it?
Black Ops launches tomorrow.
November 8, 2010
I love having minigames in a game that usually isn’t the type to feature them.
November 9, 2010
That’s really cool… Now I’m going to have to play this game. Thank you for spending my money, Mat.
AJenkins recently posted..LA Noire Getting A Trailer On Thursday
November 10, 2010
I’ not big on Zombies mode, but the idea of a twin-stick shooter has me really hyped. I’ll probably spend more time on this than on all the other Zombie modes put together!
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