Square Enix reduce Profit Forecast after Bad Year

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Square Enix reduce Profit Forecast after Bad Year

Square Enix have cut their profit forecast by almost 92% the company has today revealed. They said that the cuts were due to poor console sales, negative press and the decision to delay a major title, Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

That means things are pretty bad in the house that built Final Fantasy. Or, at least, have been pretty bad this year.

After Final Fantasy XIV received abysmal reviews across the board, Square Enix announced a period of free play would be given as an apology, until the game was fixed. They also announced that they were changing out the people working on their latest MMO to try to fix some of the mess.

I think it’s important to remember, while considering this, that this is only a forecast for this financial year – mainly prompted by the delay of Deus Ex. Next year they have Deus Ex, Tomb Raider and will start charging for Final Fantasy XIV, so no doubt some of what they’ve removed from this financial year will be added onto next.

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