Some Rock Band 3 Pics and Prices

Dark Light
Some Rock Band 3 Pics and Prices

As the Rock Band 3 news continues to emerge, I have kept my eyes peeled for the most important thing: the price of it all.

I have always wanted to learn piano/keyboard, so you can probably judge my excitement level based on that simple fact alone. However, I assumed that I would get screwed and have to buy the full box set in order to get my hands on that awesome peripheral, as I expected that they would not be releasing a keyboard-and-game-only version. Oh, how wrong I was. Here’s a list of different Rock Band releases and peripherals:

  • MadCatz 3-cymbal attachment for Drum Pro mode: $39.99
  • Keyboard Peripheral (Alone) $79.99
  • Keyboard and Game (WHOO! Excitement!) $129.99
  • Fender Mustang PRO-Guitar Controller (6 buttons along each of the 17 frets, and 6 strings at the bottom – Can be used as a MIDI guitar) $149.99
  • MIDI-Pro Adapter (allowing people to use real MIDI keyboards and drum sets with the game) $39.99

No pricing yet on the working Fender Strat that can be used to play the game as well as be used as a real electric guitar, but I’d start saving my pennies for that one if you are interested in it. There are some rad pics of everything below. If you are still not excited about this game, I don’t really know what the hell is wrong with you.

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